参数名称 线圈额定电压 线圈额定电流 主触点额定负载(A) 辅助触点额定电流(A) Parameters (VDC) (A) Loaded current rating Rated load current 代号code coilvoltage Rating coilvoltage Rating at main contact of aux.Contact(A) QCC25-200A/11 12-48 ≤1 200 QCC26-400A/11 400 QCC28-160A/20 160 5 QCC28-400A/20 400 5 QCC29-160A/10 160 QCC29-400A/10 400
◆使用条件 Use conditions required 1、安装处的环境温度Ambient temperatur:-25~40℃ 2、相对温度Relative humidity:+20℃达98%(up to98% at 20℃) 3、安装处的振动频率:f为1-50Hz Vibration freq at the fixed position (1A=25/f频率,1-10Hz时A=250/f2,频率10~50Hz) (1A=25/f freq,1-10Hz amp1 A=250/f2,freq.10~50Hz,amp1) 4、冲击振动:加速度不大于30m/s2 Shock Vibration:acceleration not more than 30m/s2 5、安装方式:任意 Mounting optional