Electron Tube 5868A(TB4-1250)
Detailed Product Description
Electron Tube 5868/AX-9902 is a three-electrode tube designed for use as a radio-frequency
ISO9001electron tube 5868/AX-9902 is a three-electrode tube designed for use as a radio-frequency power amplifier and oscillator, suitable for grounded grid circuits. The anode is capable of dissipating 450watts.The cathode is a thoriated-tungsten filament.Maximum ratings apply up to 100 megacycles. At reduced ratings it may be operated up to 120 megacycles.
Electrical data Min. Bogey Max.
Filament voltage. 9.5 10 10.5 volts
Filament current at Bogey voltage 9.4 9.9 10.4 amperes
Amplification Factor
Ib=150ma, Eb=3000-4000 volts
Peak cathode current 5000 mσ
Direct interelectrode capacitances
Gridto Plate 6.9 8 8.7μμf
Gridto Filament 9.6 11 12μμf
Plateto Filament 0.35μμf
Mechanical data
Mounting position vertical base up or down
RequiredAir Flow to Envelope 25cfm
Maximum Glass Temperature
At bottom seals 180°C
At plate seal 220°C